Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy to be Alive this Day

Tuesday evening, November 4th, 2008 - I'm exceedingly pleased to see what is happening. A record number of Americans have turned out to reinvigorate the democratic process. I really feels like a new era in America.

The preceding difficult 8 years frankly lead me to question the intelligence of the American populace in twice electing Bush. Apparently, it took a disastrous war and an economic meltdown for people to wake up. But if this is what was necessary to make it possible for Barack Obama to be elected the first black president of the United States then these unfortunate events have served a purpose. The ramifications are so far reaching as to be hard to grasp at the moment. Significant for me is a restoration of respect for the US in the eyes of the world. There's no doubt that there are more difficulties ahead, and that the challenges we face won't be resolved overnight, but there is without a doubt a new optimism in the land, and that we have an extraordinary individual taking the reins of the U.S. government.